Use "detoxify|detoxified|detoxifies|detoxifying" in a sentence

1. Counsellors worked to detoxify her.

2. They can't just detoxify these kids, they have to detoxify the whole Punjab.

3. Aceology Detoxifying Treatment Mask 65ml

4. Agrimonies eupatorium, a natural detoxifying

5. Seaweed baths can help to detoxify the body.

6. A Botulinum toxin (detoxified through introduced mutations) is the delivery vehicle

7. Antivenomis described as the biological product that detoxifies poisoning of venomous bites

8. The process also uses milder chemical reagents to detoxify the oil.

9. Detoxify : To counteract or destroy the toxic properties of.

10. Vitamin C helps to detoxify pollutants in the body.

11. Twists can help detoxify the internal organs and lymphatic system.

12. Agrimonies eupatorium, a natural detoxifying plant based extract has a skin firming effect

13. Active principle from candida saitoana, and cosmetic use thereof for detoxifying skin cells

14. Many people have made it a rule to detoxify once a year.

15. AFCo3 is a novel Cochleate containing detoxified LPS, which exhibits drug delivery and immunomodulating properties

16. This treatment can detoxify effectively, eliminate fats and excess water, firming and shaping your body.

17. Tolerant plants reduce the absorption by the root or detoxify Al after absorption.

18. Acure Brightening Facial Scrub gently exfoliates and detoxifies with sea kelp super-nutrients, lemon peel and French green clay

19. The monophagous species must produce large quantities of an enzyme to detoxify their food.

20. Can aid digestion, clear hot detoxify, be good at lienal strong stomach, nourishing body.

21. A natural juice Cleanse is an effective way to detoxify your body naturally

22. Spring Cleansing means detoxifying your body, says Linda Page, ND, PhD, a naturopathic doctor, lecturer, and author of the book Detoxification

23. Toxins can lead to the destruction of nutrients, which are needed to detoxify the liver.

24. A special method was proposed detoxify bitter almond and to get amyglin with medicinal effect.

25. Such a cell ceases to be fed or nourished and ceases to detoxify the toxins present.

26. The skin is the largest organ of the body and the most easy to detoxify through.

27. It is designed to heal, detoxify, and align the body and mind, particularly the spine.

28. Other kinds produce antibodies against viruses, detoxify foreign substances, or literally eat up and digest bacteria.”

29. Holly bark had these effects to and detoxify, stop bleeding and resist bacterium and so on.

30. Chrysanthemum tea pot bubbles will help detoxify, on respiratory diseases and respiratory sensitivity will also help.

31. The top benefits of Cardamom tea include detoxifying the body, optimizing digestion, healing respiratory issues, improving bad breath, easing menstrual symptoms, reducing skin irritation, …

32. Acellular (chemically detoxified or recombinant) pertussis vaccine formulation appears to cause fewer adverse reactions than whole-cell vaccine in most studies

33. Eat plenty of fresh fruit - vitamin C, in particular, helps detoxify the system and promote healthy cell production.

34. Acquarella provide a complete selection of nail treatments, from detoxifying preparation liquids to a range of beautiful nail polishes and more

35. About Colons, is a wellness center specializing in detoxifying the body through the non-surgical and non-pharmaceutical process of colon hydrotherapy

36. Matriline coalitions also utilize secondary food sources such as leaves and unripe fruits and the species have digestive mechanisms for detoxifying the latter.

37. Interestingly, imaging studies have reported blunted dopamine increases in striatum (assessed as reduced binding of [(11)C]raclopride to D2/D3 receptors) in detoxified cocaine Abusers

38. 30 The results of this investigation strongly suggest that only a small amount of alkaloids are sequestered and detoxified into cotinine by three noctuid insects, and alkaloids are excreted unmodified.

39. If Acetaldehyde is not detoxified, it readily crosses the blood-brain barrier and causes a type of brain stress that results in the primary symptom of brain fog

40. These 17 best Charcoal masks for sensitive, oily, and acne-prone skin can help detoxify and purify your pores to prevent blackheads, whiteheads, and more.

41. Although Bentonite clay has been used as an ingestible, there hasn’t been enough scientific evidence to say for sure whether this is a valid way to detoxify

42. Complete inversions allow the human body to flush and detoxify the adrenal glands, which studies have linked to more positive thinking and an increase in reasoning skills.

43. That the "insured" or others test for, monitor, clean of the deductible shown in the Broadened Pollution up, remove, contain, treat, detoxify or neutralize, Liability Coverage Schedule

44. Patients detoxified using a Clinical Institute Withdrawal Assessment for Alcohol-revised (CIWA-Ar) based PRN protocol on the addiction unit received significantly fewer Chlordiazepoxide milligram equivalents over shorter duration than patients managed by other

45. ‘The routine use of Triphala each morning is thought to detoxify the body and restore the integrity of the entire digestive tract, with a perfect balance between its astringent, demulcent, digestive, and Aperient properties.’

46. Berberis Vulgaris Q - Mother Tincture - Natural Kidney Cleanse and Gallbladder Protection - Detoxifying Strength for Discomfort, Nausea, Urinary System - 2fl.Oz (Alcoholic Extract) Boiron Cantharis 30C, 80 Pellets, Homeopathic Medicine for Blisters with Burning Pain.

47. Countermeasures Countermeasures evolved by herbivores include metabolic processes and enzymes that counteract or detoxify the toxins (or sequester them) and mutualistic relationships with microbes that can allow the extraction of nutrients

48. Cystine is a sulfur-containing amino acid that helps form healthy skin, hair, bones, and connective tissue. It is also required to make glutathione, one of the natural antioxidants that fight free-radical damage (glutathione detoxifies the liver).

49. Cancer is the result of suffocation of the cells due to too much mucous present such that the cells cannot feed upon the sugar and oxygen that they require to subsist nor detoxify of their wastes.

50. Altai Balance Altai Balance is a new blood sugar support formula with 19 high quality plant-based nutrients that are meant to detoxify and cleanse the body of toxins that are causing unbalanced

51. Catalase is a tetrameric heme protein and detoxifies H2 O 2 into oxygen and water. It is a metalloprotein oxidoreductase enzyme and efficiently scavenges H 2 O 2 when it is present in high concentrations (Day 2009, Cao et al., 2003)

52. ‘Most Ambulatory patients with alcohol dependence can be detoxified quickly and safely without the use of psychoactive drugs.’ ‘Nurse practitioners practice in a variety of settings, ranging from intensive care units to Ambulatory care units, with varying degrees of acuity.’

53. Aseptify 16 beautify 16 brandify 17 bronzify 23 calorify 16 capacify 20 caustify 16 classify 16 clothify 19 cokneyfy 23 daintify 15 deathify 18 degasify 16 denazify 22 deossify 15 detoxify 24 disdeify 16

54. The most important health benefits of uva-ursi or Bearberry include its ability to prevent UTI, detoxify the bladder, treat arthritis, protect the immune system, eliminate headaches, aid in pregnancy, speed up healing, reduce inflammation, and protect the gut

55. Containing more than 20 different alkalizing and detoxifying agents, including beet root, parsley, turmeric and apple pectin, each ingredient in Amazing Grass Alkalize & Detox is specifically formulated to Alkalize by bringing the body to a more natural pH balance, while simultaneously detoxing by cleansing tissues of toxins and pollutants.

56. 1 medical check-up, 1 Scrub, 3 hydro-massage baths with spa water and essential oils, 1 detoxifying mud treatment with spa water shower, 2 anti-stress massages, 1 plantar reflexology treatment, 1 aromatic massage, 2 EST PLUS programs for muscle development, 1 eye contour treatment with A.F.

57. The health benefits of Carrots include reduced cholesterol, lower risk of heart attacks, improved vision, and reduced signs of premature aging.Furthermore, Carrots have the ability to improve the skin, boost the immune system, optimize digestion, protect cardiovascular health, detoxify the body, and boost oral health in a variety of ways

58. Whole body cleanse and detox bundle 3pk, cleansing the gut & colon, Alkalising and detoxifying the body and supporting kidney cleansing 15 Day Cleanse High rated formulation with quality natural ingredients All-natural laxatives, herbs, fibres and probiotics to free the intestinal tract of excess waste as too much accumulated during the time will prevent the system functioning properly

59. Bioremediation refers to the use of either naturally occurring or deliberately introduced microorganisms to consume and break down environmental pollutants, in order to clean a polluted site. It is a process that uses mainly microorganisms but also plants, or microbial or plant enzymes to detoxify contaminants in the soil and other environments.